Sometimes I Get to Thinking
Sometimes I think too much. What’s it all about Alfie, Whatsits or what’s cooking?
I wanted to have a website that was personal to me. About my life and my family. I also wanted a website to showcase my photography work. This I had in my original website where I would post about many things. Sometimes I would post about events in the news, IE celebrities who turned out to be nonces. I’d post when a family member had passed away or when I’d had a special day with a friend. Then came the photography side of things. My work with Kane, London Fashion Week and covering the Erotica Exhibitions. Photographing Mistresses for their websites. To the man in the street they must have thought I was having a whale of a time.
Photographing gorgeous woman in a state of undress is of course not unappealing but it’s not about ogling naked female flesh. Photography is an art, one I haven’t truly mastered. I guess I’m what is known as a Happy Snapper. Though I have been told that my photography is good otherwise I wouldn’t have been paid for it. Though if I’m honest some of my good photos were just pure luck. Ask any photographer and they will probably tell you the same. Years ago I met John Dietrich a world class photographer. He told me that he would take roll on roll of film and would get one perfect shot.
So what am I thinking about? Well… Sometimes I wish I had kept my family website and photography website separate. Why? Because… There are times when I meet people online and I get embarrassed about my adult work. I don’t want to offend anyone. There are places where I want to be as vanilla as walls Ice Cream. I want to keep all of the adult material in a box and out of sight.

Marjan Kamali – The Stationery Shop of Tehran
This is where the thinking comes in. Perhaps I think too much. Should I care about what others think of me and unfriend me or block me on social media? Probably not, but I have a life outside of the adult world. A life that’s full of everyday things and everyday people. I follow Carol Decker of T’Pau fame on twitter. Viewing her tweets over the years I realise that she is not adverse to speaking her mind nor using choice words. I would be chuffed if the lady followed me but I’m sure it would do her no good if the media go wind that she followed someone like me.
I also follow a lady called Marjan Kamali, the authoress of The Stationery Shop of Tehran. I picked up the book in my local Tesco, mainly because my wife is Iranian. I have visited Iran many times and know a great deal about Iranian (Persian) culture and history.
Ms Kamali follows me on twitter though would she still if she knew my darker side? Though recently I cleaned my twitter account and removed all adult material. I still follow those I have become acquainted with such as some Fem Doms though those I don’t know I have removed. Now it’s just vanilla, as sweet as Apple Pie!
When I followed Marjan Kamali author of The Stationery Shop of Tehran I changed my twitter profile and removed all of the adult content and any links to my website. A month or so later I regretted this as I don’t see why I should pretend to be something I am not. If I was gay I am sure that would be acceptable and so should living an alternative (BDSM) lifestyle, but it isn’t. Having a liking of BDSM makes me an outcast, a pariah. I don’t force my likings upon anyone else so people should respect that and take me for the person I am not my likings. But as those in the BDSM world whether Dominant or submissive know that isn’t the case. We are frowned upon. Needless to say Marjan Kamali unfollowed me which doesn’t bother me in the least. What bothers me is that she is more than happy to include chapters of rape and sexual abuse in her “mainstream” novels but shuns those who are open about their sexuality.