When I was working with Josie at Kane and doing photography for the magazine and the videos I was frequently asked what the models were like and how we chose them. Where do I begin? There is a story behind every girl and the one that springs to mind is Janie Watts who was known in the world of spanking as Brigella.
It was on a Saturday morning. David Angus who filmed the videos had just collected me from my home and we were driving to Orbit studios for the latest video shoot. I was always looking for fresh faces and of course bottoms for the videos and asked David if he knew of any. David said that he knew of one called Janie Watts. Thinking this could be good news I asked what she was like. He replied that she was as far as he knew in her late thirties, continuing with: she’s not pretty pretty but she’s ok and she can really take it.
- The Truancy Officer
This seemed promising and I was about to ask more but before I could David cut in… The only thing is… he said tentatively, she’s rather dirty. Dirty! in what way, dirty as in grubby crusty knickers or dirty as in sexually dirty, I asked? Without taking his eyes off the road he replied, dirty as in grubby crusty knickers, and before you ask, I don’t have her number. Well that was the end of that conversation and to be honest I couldn’t fathom out why he brought up her name if he didn’t. The rest of our journey to London’s notorious East End was spent in silence.
I eventually met her at a Night of The Cane event in a shady part of South London along with Rosaleen Young who was exceptionally nice. That evening I spanked and caned Janie’s bare bottom as much as I could and had a whale of a time. Later she did make a few videos for Josie and I and she was a very good at what she did, having her bum bared and walloped.
This these are free spanking pictures from Cliff James Photography, featuring spanking scenes performed by Janie aka Brigella,