- Lynn Paula Russell
Recently I purchased a spanking enthusiasts collection of magazines to resell which included many copies of Janus. While flicking through them I came upon an article that mentioned a particular male character who I personally knew had died. This made me check up on friends and acquaintances that I have made through being in the spanking scene. One person in particular that I have known for quite some time is the talented artist Lynn Paula Russell.
I first came upon Paula when she illustrated Janus. As admirers of Paula’s work will know she not only illustrated Janus‘ she edited Februs and also contributed to the short lived Fessee magazine. However, there is much more to this talented lady that spanking illustrations. Hanging on the wall of my new office is a framed picture of a ‘Bodyscape’ which is far away from the world of spanking. I also have four of her prints in my bedroom and these show how versatile Paula is.
Corrected Miss 😉
Paula has many samples of her work on her own website www.lynnpaularussell.org along with a shop where you can buy prints and downloads. She is also selling many pieces of her original spanking artwork at an online gallery called Talisman Fine Art. The site www.talisman-fine-art.com isn’t the easiest to navigate and you need to email them to ask what is for sale.
Regrettably Paula has decided to close her website